Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Celebrity David Tutera: Wedding Scammer

Melissa Chin and Steve Choi sued David Tutera, a celebrity wedding planner and star of his own show My Fair Wedding, for getting "cold feet" the day of their wedding. Chin and Choi say they gave Tutera a $100,000 deposit and four round-trip tickets from New York to Singapore and agreed to put him up for six nights at the Shangri-La. Chin's dad claimed that Tutera wanted more money in an already expanded bugdget. The wedding budgeting at 300,000 dollar was Chin's dads limit! Chin's dad said there was no more money and to not board the plane. Tutera did just that. He later got hit with a big fat law suit. He responded by saying that Melissa Chin is a 15 minute fame starved Bridezilla. Their law suit of 200,000 dollars and Tutera's counter-suit was later dropped.
I am sure that was not the first or the last wedding he has done this to. How much longer can he get away with this?

I am in school for Wedding planning and cannot ever imagine doing this to anyone whether it is a 300,000 dollar wedding or 30,000 one! There must always be integrity for your brand. The BRAND BEING YOURSELF AND YOUR BUSINESS, and most importantly your reputation.

Do you have a story about your wedding planner?

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